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DF Preliminaries - Website (4 of 19)_websize_edited.jpg

Designed with love by Each To Own, this tee is a dedication, and a commitment to change.

This collaboration represents unity, strength, and women empowering women. It's more than a piece of clothing; it's a symbol of solidarity and a reminder that we all play a role in fostering a safer, more compassionate world.

Beyond the threads of the fundraising tee lies a commitment to uplifting the small business ecosystem. Every tee, every design, and every purchase resonates with the dedication of independent entrepreneurs striving to make a difference. This collaboration is a testament to the power of grassroots efforts, proving that small businesses can be a driving force for meaningful change.


5 Questions with Each To Own's Kirsten Devitt


Do you have any unique habits or rituals that help get your creativity flowing?


My studio is about 500m down the hill through beautiful bush so the trip down always clears my head and gets me ready to work and play.


Why Dangerous Females? Why have you chosen to support our cause with your artwork?


I love DF and what they stand for. We are at the stage in this country where our leaders need to make big changes to change who society deals with family violence and violence against women. DF are loud and proud and that’s the side I want to be on.


We love your work! But whose work do YOU love right now? 


I currently am obsessed with the work of Brisbane jewellery designer Katie Bourchier - her work inspires me.


Tell us about how you’ve spent your summer break so far…


I had a very easy going, quiet, and gentle Xmas Day where I didn’t even put a bra on - heaven!


What are you most looking forward to in 2024?


It feels like a year to go very gently into; no sudden movements. I am looking forward to not just surviving the choppy waters but riding the waves when they come. 


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